fifi, the potential sniper
boy boy johan! whaha.
bert, er.. looking retarted. actually he's just looking like himself (:
baby lincoln! (with my baby hat!)
WAY GAY yet cute. oh the irony.

mandy's "cool" idea. LOL. poor jethro..
I hope everyone is enjoying the extremely LONG LONG Break. I guess we all really need it after studying so hard for PROMOS. So yesterday, we had an interclass sports day organized by T15's Pang Sia Clan (Liselle, Matthias and Clarabelle).
We played sports like table tennis, badminton, squash, soccer, tennis and couch sports. Before lunch, Clarisse and Mandy decided to carry out there evil plan to push Gabriel into the pool, Ernest and James were asked to help but they were going to be push into the pool too anyway :P Well the plan kinda failed at first but in the end, Gabriel, Mandy and Clarisse ended up all wet. Then random people started getting thrown and pushed in, though a lot of people got wet, we still had loads of FUN and somehow everyone came prepared with extra clothes :) The Lunch Menu included good food to fill our hungry stomachs and prank calls to some people (I shall not say who) After lunch it was mostly couch sports and a little soccer. Like they say all good things have to come to an end but it was fun while it lasted, by 8.00pm most of us went home tired but Happy I hope. Well enough of babbling from me now cause I am quite a bad story teller, so I shall let you all enjoy the pictures.