the sleeping alliance. moral of the story? join the maria, martina, jet, calories and dph alliance!! (:(:(:

johan, the nicole low look-alike (according to marie). really meh? fine a bit. haha. xD (i think marie has a face recognistion problem)
our class flag TOTALLY rocks!!! bcos i touched it! duh. hahaha. just kidding la. most of the credit goes to the scholars for doing the finishing touches. (: oh ya! HAPPY APRIL'S FOOLS DAY TO ALL!! and ernest, it is NOT my second birthday today, although i wouldn't mind if u were to give me a present. lol. anyone not started on PW? cos i haven't and am feeling real screwed now. not literally o-viously. btw that was not a spelling mistake, just mimicking wee wee. haha. wait, does he noe we have a class blog? oops. anyways... band concert was good! 3 cheers to guin!! 3 cheers and 3 cheers and 3 cheers to guin-e-vere! (hip hip... HURRAY)x3!!!!! *random noises* lol. to guin: relax! u didn't screw up feste romane, roman fest or whatever. must keep the flower martin made kay? ok. gotta go do some serious researching for PW or else... or else u won't see me in sch on wed! u guys won't want that would u? i noe u aren't that evil. lol. kk. tatas!
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